The International Space Station (ISS) stands as humanity's largest orbital object, with approximate dimensions of 100 x 73 meters. Orbiting Earth at an altitude of around 400 kilometers and at a speed of 28,000 km/h, it completes an orbit around our planet every 95 minutes. Currently, six astronauts from different countries reside and work aboard the ISS, conducting research and experiments in microgravity.
From our perspective on Earth, we occasionally witness the ISS crossing in front of the sun or the moon, a phenomenon known as a "transit." Photographing these transits demands immense patience, as favorable opportunities to capture the ISS with the utmost detail arise only a few times a year.
In addition to the scarcity of these opportunities, favorable weather conditions are required. Given that the visibility zone spans only about 5 kilometers in width, positioning oneself at the center of this path is crucial to capture the ISS in all its glory. This often entails traveling to specific locations conducive to equipment setup, waiting for the precise moment to capture the perfect image. These transits typically last only a fraction of a second, leaving no room for errors in timing or execution.